idio - Indicates individuality, peculiarity, isolation, or spontaneity
[Greek, from idios, personal, peculiar, separate]

- morphous - Variant of morphic. Indicates possession of (some specified) shape or form.

idiomorphic - Having the characteristic shape. Said of well-crystallized minerals.
[From Greek idio-morphos, having one's own form.]

"Idiomorphic" is meant as a characterization of the projects, in open-ended combination, that are described here. This term also characterizes a positioning in relation to other creative practices. In other words, "Idiomorphic" is both a position to be sought out, and a process of recursively moving towards, but not soley in the following ways.

HF Critical Mass, v2

HF CRITICAL MASS, version 2, released 2015

Live cinema software based on Hollis Frampton's 1971 algorithmic film, Critical Mass.

Download HF Critical Mass, version 2. The link will connect you to the software release page which now resides at




Live cinema software for media riffing. Unwriting uses qwerty keyboard-triggered display of visual and sound elements.

Start unwriting. Download it here.

video demo of how to unwrite!

song at midnight

Optical De-dramatization Engine (O.D.E.) applied in 15-hour cycles to Ma-Xu Weibang's "Yeban gesheng" (Song at Midnight), 1937

read about this O.D.E.

ODE applied to The Invaders

Optical De-dramatization Engine (O.D.E.) applied in 40-hour cycles to Thomas Ince's "The Invaders", 1912

Cinema-software adaptation of the 1912 Hollywood film, "The Invaders" by Thomas Ince. This project was produced for No Man's Land, a 2006 event organized by Womanifesto, a biannual international art exchange.

O.D.E. applied to The Invaders

c-span x 4

C-SPAN x 4

Video archives documenting public policy-making are available at the website as a public service of the lucrative American cable television industry. CSPAN x 4 wades into these video streams with four software programs, as critical homage to CSPAN and as another annotative, public service.

Also included with collection of gate pages at Whitney Artport archives

cspan x 4 (opens in a new browser window)

c-span karaoke

The Interrupting Annotator presents


Video archives documenting public policy-making are available at the website as a public service of the lucrative American cable television industry. CSPAN x 4 wades into these video streams with four software programs, as critical homage to CSPAN and as another annotative, public service.

description + software download + quicktime video demo

interrupting annotator

previewed at "Free Cooperation" conference, University at Buffalo, April 2004

This on-line software tool is for collaborative annotation of on-line video streams. This prototype is a work-in-progress using video streams from C- SPAN.


HF Critical Mass and NASA

HF Critical Mass applied to Cinematography by NASA
produced for Herndon Gallery, Antioch College, Ohio. March-April 2004

There were two crewed landings on the moon during 1971, the same year that the experimental film "Critical Mass" by Hollis Frampton was produced. Apollo 14 launched January 31 and landed on the moon February 5 on the site named Fra Mauro. It returned to Earth on February 9. The next Apollo mission, Apollo 15, launched on July 26 and landed on the moon July 30. The landing site was Hadley Rille /Apennines. Apollo 15 returned to Earth on August 7, 1971. (Use of Apollo moon exploration archives suggested by Herndon Gallery curators Julia Dzwonkoski and Kye Potter.)

video demo clip from Crystalline Rock + download software

strains of 2003

produced for Version>03 Festival, 3/03 Chicago

Exhibition of a selection of web-streamed news videos, collected with a slow modem, for the application of altered time-frame with AMG STRAIN software.

description of STRAINS OF 2003

video objects

Do Video Objects Have Tails? (begun 2002)

A work of interactive cinema and video improvisation performance using laptop computer and experimental software ("EG Serene", "HF Critical Mass", "AMG Strain", and others). The performance incorporates videos from various contributors including Rob Danielson, Julia Dzwonkoski, Rob Fish, Chris Hill, Keith Sanborn, Brian Springer, Ghen Zando-Dennis and Julie Zando-Dennis.

performance info

EG Serene

EG Serene freely available software, released december 2002

EG SERENE is based on the 1970 film, Serene Velocity, by the artist Ernie Gehr. As the software released before it, EG SERENE is available for the improvising of digital video playback, adopting and "open sourcing" the structure of the earlier film as the basis for temporal reconstruction of your own selected digital videos (quicktime movies).

description and download

HF Critical Mass

HF Critical Mass freely available software, 2002

HF CRITICAL MASS is based on the 1971 film, Critical Mass, by the late Hollis Frampton, and this software is dedicated to his memory. HF CRITICAL MASS adopts the structure of the earlier film as an interface for improvising digital video.

description and download

amg strain

AMG Strain freely available software, 2002

AMG STRAIN adopts the structure of Anne McGuire's 1992 deconstructive video "Strain Andromeda, The"  as an interface for improvising digital video.

description and download

surface tension

Surface Tension: Applied Memory Mutation Software freely available software, beta, 2002

A free software utility (PC and MAC versions) in the service of memory-shifting, designed for use with quicktime videos: 'raw footage', unedited archival documents, movie 'out-takes', surveillance tapes, porn, home movies, etc.

description and download

Muscle and Blood Piano

Muscle and Blood Piano begun 2000

A video improvisation performance using laptop computer and experimental software specifically authored for improvisations with video projection of the 1922 film "Nosferatu" by F.W.Murnau.

Muscle and Blood Piano performance info

CD-ROM selection of interactive applets from Muscle and Blood Piano is available. For further info, contact:   threads _at_ wildernesspuppets _dot_ net

wilderness puppets

wildernessPuppets (most recent version 3.03)

CD-ROM collection of short interactive works. This collection obsessively stages and re-stages the performance of the Interface as a kind of Borgesian mirror. Tokens of encounter and exchange (symbolically deployed as virtual objects, "puppets") circulate, in an leaky economy of control, between the viewer and the machine. In wildernessPuppets the displayed image is tethered to the code as that code's simulacrum or puppet. New works are occasionally added to this compilation-in-progress (or older ones deleted).

For further info about cd-rom, contact:   threads _at_ wildernesspuppets _dot_ net

pirate radio muzak

Pirate Radio Muzak (1998)

A collaboration with Julia Dzwonkowski and E.M.M.A. media collective.

Originally produced at the invitation of Laura McGough for Massage, Issue 5,

Pirate Radio Muzak...a cart has been provided for you...


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